1. Business owners and entrepreneurs should look into offering their services in a mobile way through mobile applications.
2. Businesses should track the effectiveness of social media by looking at how often their postings are being clicked on through Twitter.
3. Sometimes it’s hard to get a top executive on board to adopting social media changes but it’s something business owners should consider.
4. Create or hire for a position that handles customer feedback through Yelp, Twitter, and Facebook.
5. When implementing new technologies, carefully choose the managers assigned to lead projects.
6. Consider adding a “live chat” tool to a website to answer customer questions interactively.
7. Social media is not always the best advertising method but coupled with other forms of advertising can be especially effective.
8. YouTube and Twitter expands advertising opportunities for companies that might not be able to afford expensive campaigns.
9. If you are in food, fashion, or tourism in Hawaii, consider looking into pinterest.com, a social photo sharing website.
And of course:
10. For social media tools, do not choose a “stupid password” — avoid words that are in the dictionary, include numbers and symbols, and change it periodically.