Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hana iPhone Case: Perfect for Nose Pickers

This iPhone case is a slightly disgusting way of holding your iPhone. Naturally, it comes from Japan, and will probably get a few laughs when you go to pick up your phone.

The Hana case is definitely an oddity, because you actually stick your fingers up its silicone nose to hold your iPhone. Grossed out yet? If not, then this might be the case for you. Digging around in there will surely get you a few looks on public transport.

The Hana case comes in blue, green, and pink, so it will please girls and boys who like to pick their noses. It sells for $13.80(USD) directly from p + g design.


Teardown suggests that the Nexus 7 tablet's guts cost $152

A teardown of Google's Nexus 7 — along with an analysis of its components and some guesswork — revealed that the $199 device contains about $152 worth of parts.

This estimate comes to us via the researchers at IHS, an organization that provides insight and analysis on all sorts of topics. These folks took an off-the-shelf Nexus 7— meaning that it's identical to one you could buy — and took it apart, piece by tiny little piece.

They calculated that an 8GB version of the device has a bill of materials (BOM) of $151.75 and that a 16GB version has a BOM of $159.25. Once manufacturing expenses are estimated and added, this puts the final costs for the two models at $159.25 and $166.75, respectively.

There are other expenses — such as software, licensing, royalties and so on — to consider, of course. So once it's all said and done, Google will likely break even on the 8GB model and make a "modest profit" on the 16GB version, the folks at IHS say.

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